La noche del 25 de Enero del 2014, se vulnero un servidor perteneciente al Ministerio de Salud.
Fue una gran cantidad de dominios hackeados.
Algunos fueron:
Ministerio y Seremis de Salud #Hacked! Resumen de los dominios:
— Anonymous Chile (@AnonOps_CL) enero 26, 2014
Seguiremos mostrando nuestro descontento y tomando sistemas informáticos.
Final conclusions on genocide research project regarding international legal procedures as a condition to achieve win rights to Democrats or Democratic legal processes.
Conducted investigations , lawsuits , claims, protests in states that use technologies for criminal activities.
Under international prosecutions the accused in court united nations Beech and North American courts in cases of countries with complex political processes that exist programming technologies and invasive technologies .
Prosecutors in these courts advise people sitting or affected victim of these extreme crimes such as those observed in the case of Hugo Chavez Nicolas Maduro and other Latin America, it is advisable to draft .
The following documents that may be submitted for review and prosecution in international courts.
Before using the method claims through networks or platforms as the Internet.
Of the options that exist show the most recommended .
They are one hundred percent effective but they have to be brought to mass media and communication constantly.
Letters expressing the socio political situation calling for public support.
Allegations of genocide and / or public murders uses satellite technology for drafting laws that are used at the UN are used.
Requests for waiver of politicians.
All these options with lists of signatures and with due support.
We ask Venezuelans and media contacts to get in the drafting of these documents must be presented to the public so that technologies are known the process accelerates from decades to months or days.
But for this to happen testing technologies should be presented so make the project even when organizations are producing biological damage to victims .
Urgent cnn .
We wanted to raise various information about the investigation but the page still remains hakeada and locked.
Referred to requests seeking that society does not stagnate in endless complaining.